I was amazed by the Left’s reaction to the President’s idea that we should bus illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.

All things considered, I thought this was an ideal solution.

The Left has been trying to convince America that illegal immigrants bring with them many real and tangible benefits.

So, we have to ask ourselves, why are Democrats and the media opposing President Trump’s proposal to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities?

They are so negative toward the idea of hosting these so-called legal asylum seekers. Wouldn’t they want to gain the advantages for themselves?

All this anxiety and dismay at the idea that these good and virtuous people may be dropped off in sanctuary cities, for progressive Mayors’ to deal with, seems a bit out of place. Don’t you agree?

Up until this point, sanctuary cities have been actively inviting illegals to come and stay.

The mayors and city councils, and indirectly the voters of these cities, are willing pay millions in tax dollars to provide housing, food, education, health care, and law enforcement that comes with a flood of illegal immigrants.

All the President wants to do is help these cities out.

The alternative option is releasing illegals to areas that are unable absorb, manage, and pay for the thousands of needy people wanting to come to America every year.

The result would be that these folks would likely not receive adequate housing, food, medical attention, schooling… at least not at the level that sanctuary cities want and can afford.

Sanctuary cities are the best option for the millions of illegals arriving every year.

Their mayors should be not just request but should demand that illegals be sent to their cities… ya know, for humanitarian reasons.

I, for one, would be more than happy to contribute money to rent buses, load them with food and supplies, and pay drivers to transport these folks to a various sanctuary cities across America.

We could set them up with tents, groceries, and other necessities.

We could even take it a step further by dropping them off in those neighborhoods within sanctuary cities in need of the most diversity… ya know, the whitest neighborhoods.

All joking aside, white liberals seem to love illegals, they just don’t want “them” in their neighborhoods.

Donald Trump has exposed their hypocrisy and the inherent racism of white, urban elites.

What do you think America?

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